Belgian payroll services

If you are a foreign company wanting to act as an employer in Belgium, you have to comply with a whole range of duties and formalities, considering all social, fiscal and labour law rules.

Mandated as your representative, Van Havermaet International, takes care of all your legal and administrative requirements.

We can help you with the following:

  • Preliminary DIMONA-notifications;
  • Concluding a professional labour accident insurance;
  • Drawing up the employment agreement;
  • Work regulations;
  • Affiliation with the external service for prevention and protection at the workplace.

We will also advise you on recruiting, dismissals, wage cost optimisation and calculations, trade union requirements and other HR matters.

Besides the above we will:

  • Manage the payroll;
  • Calculate and file all compulsory social and tax contributions;
  • Draw up all compulsory Belgian social documents and policies, with respect to your company’s own culture and procedures.

In case you require international payroll services, Van Havermaet International, being a member of PrimeGlobal – a worldwide association of advisory firms – will collaborate with our partners worldwide and streamline your international payroll.

Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact
Anna Mordkowicz

© Van Havermaet International 2024