International tax services

Does your company do business in multiple countries? Or do you have to comply with different local tax legislations? Then you are surely aware that one important key of business success is closely monitoring and managing your international tax strategy. But that is easier said than done.

Our legal, tax, VAT and transfer pricing teams are eager to assist you with all aspects of your international taxation needs. We can rely on our international PrimeGlobal association, with worldwide presence in more than 112 countries.

We can offer you the following services:

  • Setting up your new operation in Belgium or abroad;
  • Advice on cross-border real estate transactions;
  • Assistance with your cross-border restructuring (mergers and acquisitions);
  • International tax recommendations or assistance in setting up group structures and investment / divestment schemes;
  • Assessment of a potential taxable presence i.e. permanent establishment in Belgium or abroad;
  • Assistance to employers, employees and directors with their tax obligations for cross-border employment;
  • Salary split and expatriate services;
  • Assistance with filing tax claims based on international case law and legislation;
  • Addressing potential withholding tax issues, withholding tax optimisation routes, …;
  • Fiscal formalities to be met for intragroup services, cross-border interest, dividend and royalty payments;
  • Information on VAT services;
  • Advice on transfer pricing services.
Do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact
Gert De Greeve

© Van Havermaet International 2024