
Webinar – Doing business across borders: current tax issues and optimizations

Dear client
Dear relation

More and more entrepreneurs are doing business abroad. Sometimes this simply involves sales of products, but it can also involve sending out staff or even opening offices to gain a foothold in the local market.

However, it is important to keep in mind that doing business abroad will create additional tax liabilities. For example, foreign entrepreneurs – as well as their employees active in Belgium – will become taxable in Belgium if they have a so-called “permanent establishment” here. This, of course, also applies to Belgian entrepreneurs doing business outside our borders. Depending on the country in which you will expand your business, having a taxable presence could also lead to a further tax optimization.

With respect to inbound investments, Belgian Tax Authorities are increasing their inspections. They are carrying out more detailed checks as to which activities of foreign companies are taxable in Belgium. Moreover, the concept of “permanent establishment” has undergone a thorough evolution due to all kinds of international developments. As a result, your presence in Belgium or abroad may become taxable sooner than you think. However, having taxable presence in Belgium or abroad could also give access to several tax benefits and should not always be detrimental.

During this session, we will:

  • zoom in on some recent examples from our tax audit practice;
  • examine what lessons can be learned for the future;
  • based on real-life examples, we will explore how the tax authorities assess activities of foreign companies in Belgium and what the crucial issues are;
  • explain the concrete consequences of having a permanent establishment in Belgium and abroad.

We will be happy to give you some tips & tricks to take into account in your foreign adventure!


Ashley Bergmans – Director Tax
Anna Mordkowicz – Partner


Register by 20 April for this free Webinar that will take place on Tuesday 25 April from 12 to 1 pm by clicking the link below. Your participation is completely free but registration is required.


On the day of the webinar, you will receive the link to log in approximately one hour before the start of the webinar.


We hope to welcome you on this free webinar!
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